Vision, Ethos and Aims
The staff, governors, pupils and parents of St. Andrew’s Academy collectively created our school vision in 2019. We worked tirelessly to ensure that every word within our vision spelt out clearly our collected views and finally agreed, unanimously, that the following summed up our thoughts:
“At St. Andrew’s Primary School we are dedicated to provide a happy and caring community where everyone feels safe, valued and equal. We give the key to open the doors to life long possibilities and achievements in a diverse and ever-changing modern world.”
To ensure our vision is embedded in everything we do and is constantly evaluated and reviewed, we have set up a working party of staff, governors and parents who will meet regularly over the academic year.
School Vision Action Plan
Following a “Vision Working Party” meeting on February 14th 2019, where staff, governors and parents joined together to generate ideas on how to ensure our new vision is embedded, this Action Plan was created . We held another meeting on June 13th 2019 where we reviewed progress made and updated the Action Plan accordingly. There are two documents showing where we are with this:
School vision action plan 2019-2020
St. Andrew’s Primary School is committed to learning that is engaging, inspiring and enjoyable and to learning that endeavours to ensure every individual reaches their full potential. We aim for all to gain lifelong learning skills in a happy, secure, caring environment of mutual trust and respect. Our fantastic team have strong commitment to high quality teaching and learning. We believe in the development of the “whole child” as an individual and endeavour to encourage them towards a successful future where they will use the skills and qualities they have learned to become responsible global citizens in an ever changing world.
We have 11 values and celebrate these throughout the school year. Our values are intended to support the personal, social and spiritual development of every pupil throughout the school from when they start their journey with us in EYFS until they leave us at Year 6.
The whole staff team, parents and pupils are involved in promoting values and recognising where and when we are demonstrating these values. We promote our values weekly in assemblies.
We encourage our children to demonstrate these values, not only in school time, but from the minute they wake up to the minute they go to bed as they do not just make the qualities of a good pupil but of a good person and that is what we aspire for all at St Andrew’s Academy.
Our values include WISE Academies Trust values.
- September - Confidence
- October - Pride
- November - Respect
- December - Honesty
- January - Responsibility
- February - Politeness
- March - Determination
- April - Teamwork
- May - Resilience
- June - Compassion
- July - Empathy
British Values
Schools have been asked to explain how they promote British values. find out our approach to British values on our website